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 “Supply Chain has become the enforcer requiring solid social responsibility programs of their vendors through contractual agreements, supplier audits and their bidding process.  In order to compete with most large companies, vendors need to be prepared.”


EACH of us has an important role, a unique piece to  the jigsaw puzzle of life that cannot be completed without our gifts and talents, the most important of which are not always learned through formal education or work experience. The world needs you and the piece you hold more than ever.

If you hunger to make a difference and are looking to fill your emotional reservoir in addition to your bank account, this workbook is your entrée into a more fulfilling life. Solutionaries offers you  a step-by-step process to help you identify the values and skills you bring to the world based on your own experiences and how they align with the causes that need you the most. The work is enlightening, inspirational and life-changing as you: 

  • Discover the values, talents and gifts that make you uniquely qualified to lead.

  • Present your distinct value proposition (Brand You) to the world with intention.

  • Identify compelling issues that drive you to serve and make a difference.

  • Find and join your tribe of like-minded “Solutionaries” and changemakers.

  • Create an action plan for a life that meets both your financial and emotional needs.


Social Responsibility Toolkit Book

"Working with students eager to make a difference and be the change they want to see in this world often reveals the lack of literature specifically dedicated to offer a systematic approach to this common desire. Linda Lattimore’s Solutionaries fills out this void and reminds us, with a familiar and approachable tone, that living a happier more meaningful life is actually possible, regardless of our profession, skills or area of expertise."

Rogelio Garcia Contreras

Director of Social Innovation, University of Arkansas 

"Linda Lattimore’s insightful book, Solutionaries, is a much-needed breath of fresh air during a time when so many are searching for more meaning and fulfillment in their lives. Her step-by-step process artfully ushers you through a process of self-discovery that shines a light on untapped gifts and talents that you are here to share with the world. No matter where you are in life or what kind of work you already do, Solutionaries is the perfect companion on your journey to more happiness, joy and contribution."

Jane Deuber

CEO, Global Experts Accelerator

"As someone who works with later-stage professionals in reinventing their careers, Lattimore's methodology is a welcome tool set for those seeking to turn their careers around, recover from the malaise that often hits at this point in life, and set themselves on a solid course for success in their second act.  It is an empowering methodology that will program you for success in this next phase of your career."

John Tarnoff

Reinvention career coach, speaker and author of Boomer Reinvention



Social Entrepreneur

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