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Joy -The New Workforce Benchmark
There is a malaise within our workforce that is troubling right now. It’s causing many to retreat from all that was “normal” and begin a...

Active or Passive Empathy?
Our dictionary has continued to morph over these last couple of years with words such as Metaverse, Finfluencer, Doxing, Contactless and...

Whose Mental Health are We Talking About?
For the last few months, the topic of mental health has been up front and center in the media. It’s a tricky one because it’s an issue...

Stop Hate at the Door
I could not have foreseen Monday when I found myself researching the topic of hate in our country, that on Wednesday nineteen tiny...

Go Where You are Celebrated
A few years ago, as the pandemic dragged on and my loneliness intensified, a dear friend wisely told me “Linda, go where you are...

Soul Food in 2022
I grew up in a Southern household, born in Fort Worth, Texas to parents who were also born and raised there, as were their parents. ...

Another tsunami of change is coming - prepared?
Another tsunami of change for your business is on the horizon and this time, you need to walk into it, eyes wide open. 2019 was a year of...

Renovate the Old or Build the New?
My friends look at me in horror when I tell them that my secret dream is to build a home from the ground up. Well … maybe not the hammer...

What's the Point Attitude?
Is it still possible to envision a plan for your business in the coming year when almost every plan we made at the beginning of 2020 went...

Faith in the Journey
2020 has been an exercise in faith. An eye-opening year for most of us, it has been a reminder of how vulnerable we are both individually...
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