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Your Social Impact Strategy is What?
You would have to be living under a rock if the word “sustainability” has not crossed your path. Or, you have an inkling of what it...
In Celebration Of
As a little girl, my father used to tell me that I could be anything I wanted to be when I grew up, including - President of the United...
Growth Hacking
I find myself working with a number of companies that sell homogenous products and services looking for ways to distinguish themselves...
Alice in Wonderland?
I have fallen down the internet rabbit hole and feel like Alice in Wonderland. No matter what I google, I can’t find anything on a...
What Lies Ahead??
Have you taken a moment to review the trends in your industry? Often, we get complacent and fall back on what we know to be true without...
Ready to Launch!
It’s time, right? Not just to write down goals … or dream of possibilities … or feel the emptiness of an unfulfilling job or life … but...
Hocus Pocus … or Focus?
I have a knack. Quite simply I have always been the gal that could take massive amounts of information and distill it down to something...
Are you in a turkey coma?
Every Thanksgiving, we gather with friends and family, cook large quantities of food, sit in front of big screens watching play after...
People are talking about you …
It seems like yesterday that I was an awkward teen seeking the approval of my peers and worried about their chatter and impressions. I...
I’m at my wit’s end …
Dear friends, I hurt today. I can’t put it any other way. And because you talk and write to me, I know you are hurting too. You hurt...
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