The Clarity Series
From Purpose to Profit, Doing Well by Doing Good!
Many of us hunger to make a difference when we hear about disturbing problems facing the world around us. Is it possible to fill your emotional reservoirs and desire to serve while you work hard to pay the bills and take care of your family? The answer is a resounding YES! You own an important jigsaw piece and the puzzle can’t be completed without you! In this series, you will:
Discover the unique talents, gifts and tools that make you uniquely qualified to lead;
Present your distinct value proposition to the world with intention;
Identify compelling issues that drive you to serve and make a difference;
Find and join your tribe of likeminded solutionaries and changemakers;
Create an action plan for a life that meets both your financial and emotional needs.
Whether you are a Millennial born to serve but short on business skills or funding or a Boomer who has walked a corporate path with a desire to leave a legacy, this series will be enlightening, inspirational and life changing.
Is CSR the CPR your Business Needs?
Trends in this New Paradigm of Social Responsibility
The landscape in the business world is rapidly changing as the marketplace demands transparency, honesty and accountability. Consumers are using their purchasing power as a voice for change with price and quality no longer the sole differentiators. Impact investors are moving towards companies that place significance on both healthy returns on their investment and commitment to the resolution of societal needs. Organizations are facing a talent gap as Millennials expecting culturally innovative business enter and Boomers exit. Self-regulation is becoming the norm as companies try to stay ahead of changing regulations in both their local and multinational markets. It is becoming abundantly clear that innovative and competitive companies need to have a full set of tools to compete effectively and efficiently. It is becoming abundantly clear that innovative and competitive companies need to have a full set of tools to compete effectively and efficiently.
This is a discussion for company leaders about the shift of traditional business roles previously focused exclusively on the bottom line to the new norm where companies are expected to participate as global citizens in the resolution of some of the world’s most pressing issues even as they present healthy financial returns
Paving the Way for Gens Y and Z
Attracting, Retaining and Inspiring Talent in a New World
By 2020, Gen Y (The “Millennials”) will comprise over 50% of our workforce and Generation Z (“Hashtag”) will be following closely behind. This new wave of digital natives will be facing global issues not previously experienced and will offer distinct and definite ideas of how they should be addressed. Does your company have a strategic plan to address an impending talent gap within the next five to ten years to stay ahead of your competition? Have you identified unique channels to attract and retain this pool of talent whose work philosophies and needs may be different than older generations? Do you have succession plans in place for a fluid transfer of knowledge and procedures including training and mentoring programs? In this discussion, we will talk about areas to consider and the importance of:
Building out a vibrant Employer Brand;
Creating a culture of innovation;
Communicating effectively with Millennials;
Offering mentoring and “intrapreneurship” as motivators;
Investing in technology and cutting edge infrastructures;