“If every woman on the planet agreed to assist just one other woman, a complete stranger, financially or educationally, there would be a radical shift in the roles and perception of women both culturally and in the workplace. “
Global Business Partners Immersion Trip – Honduras
WGN Global Fund (WGF), formerly Women’s Global Network, is a 501(c)(3) that helps women both domestically and internationally who require assistance to grow their businesses. Its mission is to level the playing field and help eradicate global poverty, one woman at a time. Initiatives include:

WGF envisions a radical change in the way funds have historically been invested, an intimate grassroots movement to shift wealth and education from women who have it to women who don't, binding them as partners in change. Through the Global Business Partners program, women are connected with other women in emerging nations who need assistance with funding and education. Immersion trips offer them the opportunity to meet the women they assist where they can volunteer to lead educational workshops or participate in special needs projects of the community.

Adelle Turner,
CEO, Netman
“Linda not only has excelled in the legal and corporate worlds but is an inspiration to others to give back to those around them in her charity work and dedication to helping those in need help themselves through Women’s Global Network and its microcredit and hands-on support network. A true mentor for all of us!”

Felena Hanson,
Founder at Hera Hub
“Linda is a true visionary and leader. Her compassion for helping women globally has been an inspiration to thousands. Linda is one of the most well connected and effective business women I know. She, without a doubt, will change the world.”
The Collective i Leadership Program
The Collective i Leadership Program, is an educational and inspiring program for junior and senior high school girls who will be charged with creatively constructing profitable solutions while they provide meaningful and sustainable service to the global community. This emerging and technologically advanced group of dynamos easily connects with the faceless millions, understands the inequities and is anxious to even the playing field. Skills are developed in think tanks and weekend camps that target finding solutions to the planet’s most pressing needs. Students have the opportunity to meet and interview social entrepreneurs and corporations that give back to their communities and share their findings in a monthly newsletter, Collective Mind Matters. In addition to telling the world about people and companies that are making a difference, they receive publication rights, work experience, recommendations for college applications, help in writing their resume and a wider insight to the world and where they can make a difference.

Karina, Senior
“Collective i has opened my eyes to a world only vaguely talked about in school. For a person who wants to see and change the world, writing for Collective i has allowed me to really get a sense of the problems our world faces, and how every day companies are able to make a difference one step at a time through a business model that needs to be more widely spread.”

Ellie, Junior
“When I first joined Collective i, I thought It would be a great opportunity, but I never expected it to have such a profound impact on my life. Through my internship and the guidance that Linda has given me, I feel that I am more prepared to take on new experiences and I have greater self-confidence about what I hope to achieve in the future.”

Rebecca, Senior
Collective i has shown me a world that I know would otherwise have been very hard for a high school student to have had access to. Being a part of this incredible team has taught me about social entrepreneurship and professional writing, giving me knowledge that will be essential in my college and future life.

Jennifer, Senior
"Collective i has changed my life, from being a regular High School student into learning how to become a successful business women. I was able to learn life long skills that I will use the rest of my life. Being part of Collective i has taught me about social enterprise and I get to see people who are changing the world, maybe one shirt at a time."