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“Everyone is a global thought leader with critical knowledge to share. Each of us offers a missing piece to the universal jigsaw puzzle.  Sometimes we just need a little help to understand how important we are in this quest to find solutions.”

World First International Woman's Day

 Austin, Texas 

Linda was asked to lead a discussion on International Women’s Day at World First, a progressive multinational company, about women’s leadership in the workplace, ways to foster better communication between the genders and creating pathways for parity in conscious companies.  

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 Austin, Texas

Linda led an active discussion with women entrepreneurs at Big Austin about the much needed values they bring to a world in need in addition to their work and educational skills.  Big Austin offers innovative employment and entrepreneurship programs committed to their clients’ financial success.​



 Austin, Texas

Linda was honored to present the keynote, Sustainable Leadership – the Women’s Way, at the Texas Capitol at the Austin Woman’s Federated Club fall luncheon honoring Cecilia Abbott, First Lady of Texas.  AWFC is an award-winning chapter and member of the Texas Federation of Women’s Clubs, as well as the General Federation of Women's Club (GWFC), a non-denominational, international volunteer service organization.


 British Columbia Canada

Linda was invited to speak at the Women Economic Forum on Creating Social Business for the Good of Society and Education Leads to Community Development & Innovations.  WEF is a diverse group of women from around the world committed to building bridges across culture and faith while they expand their business opportunities and increase their global influence.  Changemakers in the truest sense of the word!

Linda is available as a speaker or trainer for your organization or company.  Clients include British Petroleum, Boeing, Goodrich, INOVA, Texas Payroll Commission, and Texas Women's Veterans Commission.  Linda can customize a compelling talk or workshop to help you engage in discussion with your teams about ways to support strong and vibrant social impact programs which will increase your market share, attract loyal and enthusiastic talent and, show the world you are committed to a better way in this New World of Business.  Her style is dynamic and interactive as she engages with her attendees helping them connect personally with the subject matter.

Contact Linda for a free consultation to discuss your needs and customize a program today. 

The Clarity Series

From Purpose to Profit, Doing Well by Doing Good!

Many of us hunger to make a difference when we hear about disturbing problems facing the world around us.  Is it possible to fill your emotional reservoirs and desire to serve while you work hard to pay the bills and take care of your family?  The answer is a resounding YES!  MORE

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Is CSR the CPR your Business Needs?

Trends in this New Paradigm of Social Responsibility

The landscape in the business world is rapidly changing as the marketplace demands transparency, honesty and accountability. It is becoming abundantly clear that innovative and competitive companies need to have a full set of tools to compete effectively and efficiently. MORE

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Paving the Way for Gens Y and Z

Attracting, Retaining and Inspiring Talent in a New World

By 2020, Gen Y (The “Millennials”) will comprise over 50% of our workforce and Generation Z (“Hashtag”) will be following closely behind. Does your company have a strategic plan to address an impending talent gap within the next five to ten years to stay ahead of your competition?  MORE 

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Linda Young, President/CEO,
Catalysts for Innovation, LLC.

“Linda has created an easy, cost effective and streamlined program for companies who understand that getting on the “Social Responsibility Train” is critical to their competitive success in a new world where social responsibility has become the new norm, not the exception. There is nothing quite like this program in the marketplace – vendors should run, not walk! For large corporate supply chains, these programs are a mandate today” 

Alejandro Gorosito,
President of Edward-Alexander

“Working with Linda and the team at Cross Sector Institute has kept me focused and helped me stay true to my vision of creating a product development business that helps my clients bring innovative product ideas from “back of the napkin” to reality. The greatest gift I have discovered has been knowing I can positively impact my community by fulfilling my dream to employ the creativity, experience and skill of people on the Autism Spectrum to bring the ideas to life.” 



Social Entrepreneur

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